A New World

Billionaire Robert Bigelow, who has worked with elements of the US government who present a hostile face to the visitors, commented on 60Minutes on May 28, 2017, that he had experienced a face-to-face confrontation with them. It was not a pleasant experience for him. Similarly, two members of the board of directors of the To The Stars Academy, an organization devoted in substantial part to aggression against the visitors, have had terrifying direct experiences in their lives. One of these led to a family tragedy.
The other, fortunately, was only frightening. This organization, which has a rock-and-roll personality as its public facing presence in order to gain easy access to the media, is dedicated to moving the struggle to create weapons that might be effective against the visitors into a more open context in the scientific community, in the hope that some sort of breakthrough can be achieved. Over all the generations of effort that have been expended behind the wall of classification, this has not been a successful effort.
It has failed because defense on a physical level is as meaningless, quite frankly, as it is for a dog to bite the boot of the man who is kicking it. Early on in my adult relationship with the visitors, I had a conversation with one of the blond people who are not of this world and who have also advised our official level. He explained to me that “if you start a war with the grays, they will never let you stop fighting and they will never let you win.” This is what is happening on our hidden official level, but it is certainly not what our leaders are told in a briefing that they receive if they ask intelligence and military officials what is being held secret about this subject. They are told stories of what has happened to our military personnel, but not that we ourselves instigated the conflict.
Some of these stories are truly horrific. It is then explained that, while we are working on weapons, we have not yet achieved control and the whole thing must be kept secret until we do. It never occurs to anybody given the briefing to ask why it is that the visitors keep matters secret, too. From where I sit, the official reaction, as inept as it is, is entirely understandable.
The visitors are fantastically frightening. There simply isn’t any other way to put it. During the summer and fall of 1985, when I knew, but not consciously, that they were there, I also armed myself and might well have done the same thing that Matt did and the military does, had one of them appeared in my gunsights. I would assume that the results would have been similar. Fortunately for me, I was never face to face with them while carrying a weapon, and before I began to understand why they were here and what they want.
Once I realized that they were real, my curiosity overcame my fear, and the guns were no longer a factor. After the initial period of friction, we found common ground in spiritual search. They reacted to my nightly meditations and shared in them. Over time, this has created a fruitful relationship that has enriched my life, and I hope also offered them the reward they seek.
Whitley Strieber is the author of over forty works of both fiction and nonfiction. His books The Wolfen, The Hunger, Communion, and The Coming Global Superstorm (as The Day After Tomorrow) were all made into feature films. His sci-fi series Alien Hunter became the SyFy Channel series Hunters.
In 1985, Whitley had a close encounter of the third kind. It led to the writing of the epic bestseller Communion that changed the way the world thinks about this enigmatic experience. When he eventually realized that the experience could not be attributed to known factors, he began making an effort to recontact what he calls “the visitors.” The response has been ongoing for the past thirty years, and has been chronicled in Communion, Transformation, Majestic, and now A New World. Many people have encountered the visitors with Whitley, placing it among the most witnessed paranormal events in history.
His website, unknowncountry.com, is among the largest in the world dealing with paranormal phenomena and his podcast, Dreamland, has been produced weekly for twenty years.