Amendment 3 Would Return Power To Corrupt Politicians

The State Legislators of Missouri have placed a new Constitutional Amendment on the ballot called Amendment 3, which was written to hoodwink Missouri voters in the upcoming November 3rd election. It was written very quickly with little care about the large impact it would have on Missourians for the next ten years. It benefits no one except the politicians in Jefferson City, Missouri.
It sounds harmless enough with the verbiage they carefully chose to explain it on the ballot. But, it’s totally misleading and leaves out 90% of what will happen if it passes. It pretends it is mainly about banning all gifts from legislators—which all of us want, but what it’s really meant to do is redraw the district maps of Missouri by limiting who is counted.
Amendment 3 is bad news all the way around, and it’s intention is to reverse what the majority of the State voted for back in 2018. Remember the 62% of Missourians who passed the Clean Missouri ballot initiative two years ago? The vote would be for nothing if Amendment 3 is passed.
Missouri legislators hate it when their constituents take matters into their own hands. Every time voters unite and pass a bill that benefits the people, these lawakers find a way to overturn it. They can’t stand being held accountable, and that’s what Clean Missouri is forcing upon them. So, once again, they are trying to overturn the will of the people by tricking voters into voting for a misleading amendment on the November ballot.
Amendment 3 poses one of those confusing questions that sounds pretty good until voters read the fine print. Not only would it return the power back to corrupt and selfserving legislators, it would also fulfill their most important goal: to redraw district maps, carve up communities, weaken voter protections and create new loopholes for their own benefit.
If Amendment 3 passes, it would enable the Missouri legislators to rig district maps, and it could make Missouri the most gerrymandered state since Mississippi in 1979.
Amendment 3 is dirty politics being played by dirty politicians. Vote no on Amendment 3.