Crystal Power: 12 Essential Crystals for Health and Healing

Crystal Power: 12 Essential Crystals for Health and Healing

Have you experienced that there is greatness in little things? You may have, when you held a crystal, for the first time. Crystals are not only beautiful to look at, but they are also fun to hold and even more exciting to tune into them. I believe we become attracted to them first visually, second, tactilely and third, intuitively. Your first encounter with a crystal may have been as a youngster in school when your teacher showed your class samples of rocks and gemstones. But when was your breath taken away by a crystal? When was the moment you knew there was more to it than just a pretty color or a fancy shape?
One day thirty years ago, I received a flyer in the mail about a crystal class being taught by the renowned Frank Alper. I signed up for a weekend course and it turned out to be the course I had been waiting for, all my life.
During the weekend of instruction, he performed a symbolic ceremony of implanting invisible healing crystals into the hands of his students. He performed this as a sacred ceremony. From that day forward, my experience with crystals became deeper and more serious. I felt as if I’d been here before and done this work a long time ago. It felt like old information was coming back to me in a new form. Following this encounter, I studied crystals more seriously and struck up conversations with them to learn more. Crystals quickly became my teammates and coworkers.
Subsequently, I traveled around the world learning even more from energy centers and crystal masters. I began integrating crystals into my daily life and sharing their unique qualities with friends and family. I was able to change moods, heal physical and emotional problems and transform negative energy into positive fields. I felt I had been led into this field by forces greater than me and had been generously taught by other masters. It feels like it is the right time to pass along my compendium of knowledge to you. If you think you may be a crystal healer, too; now is the time to find out.
My life is centered in teaching metaphysics: crystals, essential oils, Bach® Flower remedies, Feng Shui, runes, pendulum energy and healing. All of the practices are based in vibrational and electromagnetic healing techniques. I have brought many of them together for you in my new book, Crystal Power, 12 Essential Crystals for Health and Healing, for your enjoyment and personal healing.
2021 is a perfect time to let this crystal healing information find its way into the world; into your hands and the hands of those who will carry this knowledge onward. I give thanks, not only for my knowledge, but for my teachers and all of the ancients who came before us and who have shared their knowledge with me, and now you.
“Crystal Power, 12 Essential Crystals for Health and Healing”, assumes that you are already attracted to crystals and are ready to get to work with them. The basics of crystal energy, structure and history are contained in the first few chapters. The rest of the book explores deeper and more powerful healing appli-cations for the use of crystals in your energy work including essential oils, chakras, archetypes, colors, goddesses, and the 12 Laws of Karma.
I share the techniques I have developed and honed over the years because I have achieved some remarkable healings and transformations by using them. This book is a journey into a more in-depth use of crystals and the exceptional energy they provide for healing and restoration. I am hoping that everyone who opens this book will find a richness and lore of healing that will serve them in their own lives and work. There is greatness in little things.

About the Author
Kac Young has a PhD in Natural Health, a Doctorate in Naturopathy and a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy.She is a former television producer/director, a licensed Religious Science Minister, a spiritual counselor and the author of 24 books. Please visit .

Cynde Meyer

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