Choose to Live a Life You Love – The Magic is Within

Choose to Live a Life You Love – The Magic is Within

So many times, we search for something more (something exciting, joyful, pleasurable, magical, etc.) outside of our current reality. Choose to experience the magic within the seemingly mundane knowing the power and magic have been within us all along. One must simply acknowledge and embrace it. Choosing to alter our perception will enable us to do just that.
The 1939 movie, The Wizard of Oz, illustrates the reminder that the power is within us and not outside of us. In this iconic movie, a memorable scene is where Dorothy and her dog, Toto, are following the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City to meet the Wizard. Along the way, she meets a Scarecrow, a Tin Man and a Cowardly Lion. Each are seeking something they believe they don’t have only to discover later that it was there all along. The Wizard helped them shift their perception to see that the attributes they sought were already within them.
Understandably, the movie’s symbolism will have multiple interpretations. In her book, The Wizard of Us: Transformational Lessons from Oz, visionary thought leader Jean Houston offers her interpretation. Shortly after the book was originally published, I had the pleasure of sharing a conscious conversation with Dr. Houston on my Blog Talk Radio show in March 2013.
According to the book’s synopsis on, “Learn how to expand your mind, open your heart and find the courage to connect with your own life journey with The Wizard of Us, an accessible guide to help you envision the world as you choose to create it.”
It continues by stating, “With specific and easily understandable exercises and epiphanies, The Wizard of Us harkens to the classic tale and defines the hero’s journey through the skills and internal qualities that live within each of us. If you are seeking a creative exploration of self-understanding, realization and improvement, you will find a connection to the larger world story as you explore Oz like never before. “There’s no place like home” is the call to a profound journey of self-discovery and untapped potential. Dorothy’s journey through a magical land is the key to your own inner-life’s journey and toward becoming the essential human you were always meant to be.”
To embrace your own magic within, begin to allow yourself to see the world and everything within it as if you are observing and experiencing it for the first time. Open your eyes to the awe and wonderment of life; seeing the details through the eyes of a young child.
As I stated before, our earthly existence can feel mundane at times as we seemingly go through the motions and function on auto-pilot. Pay attention to the nuances — the sights, sounds and aromas of your surroundings — and tap into what you feel. Be spontaneous. Explore. Get out of your head and move into your heart. Really live your life with no regrets knowing you’ve had the power all along.
ABC’s to Assist you with Embracing the Magic Within
A – Act on the inspiration that flows to you
B – Be present
C – Create consciously
D – Dream big and follow those dreams
E – Encourage others
F – Fulfillment! Do what you love and love what you do
G – Grow your spirit
H – Hone in on your happiness
I – Ignite the spark
J – Journey with joy
K – Keep being you
L – Live life fully
M – Magic is the power to create
N – Notice the signs and synchronicities
O – Open your heart and let love lead
P – Pursue your passions
Q – Quit worrying
R – Reflect but don’t reside there (be present)
S – Shine your Light
T – Take time for you
U – Unconditional love for self and others
V – Value your life
W – Walk your own path
X – eXplore more
Y – Your purpose is to have a human life experience
Z – Zone in on Zen as you attain the peace within

About the Author
Shelly Wilson is an author, intuitive medium and conscious creator who is passionate about helping people wake up to their greatness. She supports others as they navigate their own journey into consciousness to experience aliveness. Shelly’s books, 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within and Journey into Consciousness, are available in paperback and eBook. She is also the creator of Journey into Consciousness: Cards of Empowerment. Shelly’s newest book, Embracing the Magic Within, and accompanying Clarity Cards are now available.

Cynde Meyer

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