BlueMonk Michael Whalen –Karmic Dreams

Album Review by Dyan Garris for Zone Music Reporter (ZMR), New Age CD, and “Spirit Seeker Magazine”
“Zen” healing music at its finest. – Dyan Garris
What did you do during the recent pandemic quarantine? In Michael Whalen’s case, we can probably say, “We know what you did last summer. . .” During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Michael contracted the dreadful virus.
To help himself cope, recover, and literally heal, he and the Malaysian-based, accomplished, multi-instrumentalist, Rasull, a.k.a. BlueMonk, created this deliciously beautiful album, “Karmic Dreams,” in less than 3 weeks.
“Karmic Dreams” is 7 tracks of dreamy, meditative, electronica, with Michael’s performance on synthesizers and percussion, and BlueMonk performing on flutes, additional keyboards, and percussion.
The album opens with the hauntingly beautiful “The Secret Garden,” which engages us immediately with its gorgeous flute melody line and very cool electronica. It’s almost 5 minutes of perfect “Zen.” “The Way of the Samurai” is equally as gorgeous and entices us further into the relaxation with its subtle “Om” chants, a beautiful bed of soothing synths, and absolutely wonderful flute. This is extremely relaxing and even more “Zen.”
Following is “Cherry Blossom Heart.” Softly percolating electronica underneath an amazing flute performance is guaranteed to soothe the mind, body, and spirit, easily and effortlessly. “Moon Scape” is ultra-dreamy and a definite favorite. Again, the magnificent flute melody that seeps deeply into our soul sits perfectly atop, and combines masterfully with, the scintillating electronica. Love this.
In keeping with the flow of the album, “The Trance” is almost 4 minutes of perfect meditation music. Beautiful and ultra-calming. “Boundless Love” is expansive and floaty. Yes, let’s just all float out on this soothing wave of love and heal from all that ails us in this or any other stressful environment. That is easy to do here amidst all this unpretentious gorgeousness. This is “healing music” at its finest, and this is a spacious favorite.
The album closes out with the title track, which is contemplative and reflective, dreamy, and the perfect close. So very beautiful, and I have to say, my ultimate favorite here. For those that want the ultimate relaxation, stress relief, meditative experience, you will want to get the whole album, not just a slice.
The album releases September 18, 2020 and will be available wherever music is sold/streamed/dowanloaded.
Radio: LAZZ Promotions – Ed & Stacey Bonk – (905) 470-1230 – [email protected]
All music composed & produced by: Michael Whalen & BlueMonk
Mixed by: Michael Whalen
Mastered by: Trevor Sadler
Michael Whalen: Synthesizers, electronics & percussion
BlueMonk: Flutes, percussion & additional keyboards
#myndstream #meditation #relaxation #michaelwhalen #bluemonk