A Life of Passion and Purpose

You have the power to realize your unlimited potential. Give yourself permission to reveal your unique life path or career. You choose your life path. Have you chosen it? If not, choose something. Start where you are. You always have the option to change your path or allow it to unfold and branch out in various directions.
Expand your horizons and be open to opportunities and new doors that open. Have the courage to practice your life’s work. Remember, practice your work. Practicing your work allows you the freedom to improve, change, expand, and grow. Maintain an intention to be a little better at living life than you were the day before.
How can you make a lasting contribution toward harmony and peace? How will you make this a better world for all in large or small ways? Choose to live this lifetime in a way that you can fulfill that purpose. You can experience a life of passion and purpose.
Give yourself permission to live in ease and comfort while also giving you the ability to help and share with others through employment, philanthropy, or other manners of support. When you are practicing your life’s work in alignment with your Soul’s Purpose, work doesn’t feel like work. Find pleasure in your work and be driven by the life you lead. In this way, you are fulfilling the agreement you made before you came to Earth. When work is fun, financial success comes easier. You have the ability to make plenty of money with plenty to share. When you approach the work you do with the mindset of helping others succeed, your life is a success!
Activate your creative mind. Allow your inner excitement to be stimulated. You can experience a life of passion and purpose filled with joy, happiness, and fulfillment. Spiritual focus is a key to this experience as you allow inspired thought to flow through you. Give yourself permission to be a creative genius.