April 2021 Horoscope
March 21 – April 20
It might be a good time to make a thorough scrutiny of the real you, an honest assessment of your face, figure, health and assets and seek to implement a make-over where necessary. The truly intimate and personal you, needs to be examined minutely and where there is room for improvement, positive action be taken. You’ll need to establish good working relationships with colleagues, subordinates and bosses as well. It’s NOT a time to challenge the system! Stress and neglect both need to be guarded against too. A time for introspective self-assessment with a degree of honesty and objectivity.
April 21 – May 21
You will have a sense of awareness of your own limitations this month, leading up to your birthday phase, be they physical, emotional or even financial, as well as a sense of being confined and restricted. There could be some rivalry, hard feelings generated that could trigger off either of these reactions. NOT a time to go overboard, in terms of self-pity, to see troubles where none exist, or attempt to solve the world’s problems. It might be a good idea to maintain a low profile and be less vocal. A time to make special efforts to get along with others both professionally and personally.
May 22 – June 21
Widening the vistas of your very existence is what this month makes you do. You still extend warmth and friendship, as well as cooperation at work. All the trends which started last month will now gain momentum, focus and direction. You reach out to people in a rare show of warmth, connubial bliss and friendship. This is a rather happy, goal-oriented month. A lively agenda is promised, you’re attracting quite a bit of interest, and your energy for making contact with others is high. This is a time to follow your dreams and ideals, and to plant a seed in the form of a wish for the future.
June 22 – July22
Recognition, rewards, greater power and prestige, even your assets, property, belongings are enhanced greatly. The time is being truly generous, and you deserve it. Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period. Recognition is likely to come your way whether you ask for it or not, and the responsibility that comes right along with it! Do what you feel is right, keeping in mind that you are at your most visible during this month in the year.
July 23 – Aug 22
Long-distance and foreign connections, exchange and trade will be favored. You’ll travel a fair amount and may strike up a chance acquaintance who shares your views, ideals and ideas. Also, you deal with a kind of weariness, even disillusionment, that sets in. A month of exaltation, true spirituality, intellectual and moral growth a truly cosmic gift comes to you. The preceding month had lots of highs and lows for you to reckon with. This month reorients you to your lasting values, and greater idealism is the result, in conjunction with heightened consciousness and conscience, that come hand in hand with true and sincere spirituality and faith.
Aug 23 – Sept 22
Once again, you’ll have to focus your attention on money matters (legacies, trusts, loans or fund-raising) even though there may still be some health problems nagging at you. Pending matters may come to an end; there could be a death, a legacy causing you sorrow and joy/relief at the same time. Clearing out psychic “junk” or ridding yourself of bad habits may be part of the picture now. You are more willing than usual to explore life’s secrets. This is an especially introspective month during which you have the chance to truly uncover your personal strengths and talents.
Sept 23 – Oct 22
Now the focus shifts on people and relationships, ranging from personal to platonic to just professional. You will realize that to help you achieve success your people skills need to be honed. You will need to be sharp-witted and alert in order to identify potential (or even actual) threats to your welfare/progress. It may not happen but it is good to be prepared. In spite of all this, this month brings you caring and sharing, that is, fine companionship, close ties with loved ones and an overall feeling of both togetherness and contentment. The emphasis is on “us” rather than “me”. This may be an especially busy time for people who consult or work with clients one-on-one.
Oct 23 – Nov 21
You may be making changes in your job/profession, in your relationships with colleagues and co-workers, health and diet. There may be some mental strain, or perhaps financial difficulties, particularly relating to held-up payments that are still pending, salaries, servants, health and employee benefits or perhaps a bad debt and/or a check.Willingness to help and serve will pay dividends, both materially and in terms of a “feel-good” factor. Don’t expect gratitude and appreciation just go ahead and do whatever needs to be done. This phase presents an opportunity to get rid of what doesn’t work in your life, while also discovering what does.
Nov 22- Dec 21
This is a very playful period of the year, when you are inspired creatively and emotionally. After a period of self-protectiveness, you are now more spontaneous and more willing to take risks. A rich, fruitful and happy phase comes to you and you’re enjoying it. The spice of life is there for you in the variety of interests, activities, and feelings that you are bound to experience this month. Don’t fly too high or too far — risky moves, rashness, over-confidence that nothing can go wrong or just foolhardy behavior. Some danger or possible mishap may be lurking. Risk-taking, speculation must be avoided. Also rashness in an affair of the heart which might leave you hurt and scattered, if not shattered.
Dec 22 – Jan 20
House or office may require renovation, refurbishing or expansion. Perhaps even a shift for either the office home factory/workplace. You want working conditions that satisfy you in every way, physically, technically and in the prevailing atmosphere and will take pains to achieve just that. You may also decide to invest in labor-saving devices/ gadgets to streamline your efficiency both at home and in the office. At the same time, there is a desire to retrace your roots and origins, to go back in time. This is a time to do what you can to build trust in your family life and a strong foundation within yourself, so that regardless of what you meet in the outside world over the next months, you have a secure place to return to.
Jan 21 – Feb 19
You still need to learn to relate better with others, but now it’s more on the intimate and personal level the exchange of ideas, innermost thoughts, personal beliefs rather than the emotions. Family ties, linkages of loving and caring now become sharing. Vital correspondence and contacts must not be neglected, or the necessary inputs, data and information for work-related projects, plans or activities. No carelessness of any kind to be made if you want to achieve your goals. You are more curious and alert than usual, and you could be quite busy with errands, paperwork, phone calls, and light socializing. Much energy is expended in understanding and adapting to your immediate environment.
Feb 20 – Mar 20
A time when you will truly need to “walk the talk”, stand by your beliefs and convictions. You will have a lot on your plate and most of it will pertain to money ??” both for immediate needs and future gains. Financial matters become important or at least the main focus, but good moves have to be thought out. Property and possessions, rentals, funds, investments, and even cash transactions. There may be profits or income from property, land and real estate. Don’t try for fast cash or the quick buck. That doesn’t last and can give you a sense of false security. In fact, you might just be barking up the wrong tree in terms of career or personal gains through sheer pride or ego. Back your own judgment, but do so with caution and restraint.