The Energy of 2021

The Energy of 2021

While we are all eager to put the energies of 2020 behind us, to understand
what is coming in 2021, we must understand the last Great Conjunction of 2020, Saturn and Jupiter’s meeting in Aquarius that occurred on December 21, 2020. Each piece of this astrological event – Saturn, Jupiter, and Aquarius – tells a story of the energy that is to unfold over this coming year.
Aquarius If I had to pick only one word to describe 2021, it would be Aquarius. 2021 is a year that moves us from a 200 year cycle of Earth energy, into the lighter, higher minded energy of Air. With this shift we feel as though we can finally take a breath, and we really begin to see that a brighter future IS possible.
Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, an electric planet that creates change and movement wherever it goes. Unlike the change energy we felt in 2020, which was driven by Pluto (Death, Birth, and Transformation), the change energy brought by Uranus has more of an uplifting vibe to it. Aquarians are here to bring change, but the change they want is one of sparking the light inside each of us.
As we each feel this spark of light within us, we are drawn to see things differently, to try new ways of doing things, to relate to one another in a lighter way, and to work towards creating a society that reflects the Aquarian motto of ‘One for All, All for one.’
Aquarius rules innovation, networking, friendships, hope for humanity, and
freedom. These are the themes that we will see rising over the course of 2021.
Jupiter in Aquarius Jupiter entered the sign of Aquarius on December 19, 2020, and it will remain there for most of 2021. We will see Jupiter move from Aquarius to Pisces briefly this year, from May 13 – July 28.
Jupiter and Aquarius share many similar qualities: Freedom, Knowledge, Hope, and Grand Visions for the Future. So with expansive Jupiter in this Airy sign over  this year, we will feel free to take big steps towards our wildest dreams. A phrase that has come up in several of my 2021 readings is “Joyful risk taking”. Fearlessly moving towards the future is major Jupiter in Aquarius vibes.
When Jupiter dips into Pisces on May 13 – July 28, we get a preview of what Jupiter will be expanding over 2022. Jupiter in Pisces has a healing quality to it, where we may see a spotlight on those who help serve, heal, and assist others. As a water sign, Pisces is also known for its sensitivity, so we may all feel more sensitive and prone to escapism. Self-care should be made a priority during this time.
Saturn in Aquarius The stern, structured, task master Saturn in the freedom loving, rebellious sign of Aquarius, at first glance seems like these two do not mix well. However, to understand how these two energies actually feed one another, we need to look no further than to Saturn’s brief stint in Aquarius in 2020. From March 21, 2020 – July, 1 2020 Saturn entered Aquarius and started to show us how restriction and revolution go hand in hand.
This period was one of social restriction, which in turn caused us to revolutionize the way we connect. We were locked in our homes, so we found new ways to connect virtually. Social injustices were highlighted, and we saw communities coming together to protest and demand change. Through all of this, we highlighted the ways that our structures are not working for the people.
Saturn will remain in Aquarius through March 7, 2023, so we will continue to see our humanitarian and social structures being revolutionized through this point.
The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius When we add all of these energies together, we see an expanded path of growth around how we connect with one another. This, in my opinion, is the major theme for
2021. We are learning to find the balance between expansion and contraction of our own humanity. The key to understanding this, is to understand our collective oneness. This is the paradigm shift that we will experience collectively this year; Unity, Rebuilding, Hope.
As you move forward this year, remember, it is a year for Joyful Risk Taking. Be brave. Be bold. Turn up your light. Believe that anything is possible. We are the Creators, and we are focused on making a better way forward.

About the Author
Christine Compas is an Intuitive Astrologer and Life Transformation Coach based in St. Louis, MO who helps individuals understand their soul’s purpose in life, and helps them remove any blocks in their way. Visit to learn more about Christine and her work.

Cynde Meyer

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