“Peace, Love & Healing – the 35th annual World Peace Day Virtual Event”

“Peace, Love & Healing – the 35th annual World Peace Day Virtual Event”

Bright and Beautiful Beings, this year’s World Peace Day Celebration will be a virtual event,available starting at 6 a.m., December 31st, 2020, on The Center for Divine Love’s FaceBookpage, hopefully on the peace website at www.wpdaystl.com, and possibly on YouTube. You can check the website or email me at [email protected] for updates.
As always, we offer a Universal Faith Service, open to all with an amazing lineup of talent.
Ambassador of Love, Pooki Lee, will offer the Welcome;
Brian Clarke, RFT’s A-List Best Musician & Best Vocalist, and Ptah Williams, jazz genius on the keyboards, will provide the music.
Plant Ally, Enviro-Advocate Green Jean Ponzi, will offer Earth Wisdom;
The incredible January Kiefer will share a story;
and Event Organizer Jeannie Breeze will once again offer Short Remarks and facilitate the Meditation.
There will also be an online raffle for prizes. Folks are invited to donate prizes worth $25 or more. – artwork, books, CD’s, gift certificates for services like massage, readings, lawn work, cleaning, etc. are all welcome and will earn you 3 raffle tickets.
Raffle Tickets are available to all of you – 1 ticket $2, 3 tickets/$5, 7 tickets/$10, 15 tickets/$20. You can mail a check for raffle tickets or for a donation to support the event to IM for World Peace, 7729 Elton St., St. Louis, MO 63123-3805 or pay via PayPal to [email protected]. Be sure to include your name and telephone number with ticket purchases or donations.
This past year has been challenging for many of us. We all need Peace, Love and Healing to manifest in our lives. I hope you will tune into our World Peace Day Celebration, wherever you are, at a time that works for you once the event is available. I salute all of you who are peacemakers, lightworkers, Shambhala Warriors, Rainbow Warriors, Peaceful Warriors, Impeccable Warriors. Keep shining your light. Keep the faith. The winds of change are blowing.
Much love, Jeannie

Cynde Meyer

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